Fulbright Scholar Award (funded by the University of Wollongong)

Applications are now closed

Our Fulbright Scholar Awards (funded by the University of Wollongong) will enable outstanding academics from the United States to undertake research with University of Wollongong academic teams on areas of mutual benefit to Australia and the United States. The award recipients will spend up to four months working in Wollongong, one of Australia’s most picturesque university locations, conveniently located 60 minutes from Sydney. There are two positions available annually.


These awards are available in any field/discipline.

Scholarship Eligibility

Specific to this award:
  • Must include a Letter of Invitation from the University of Wollongong with the application
  • Must be at associate or full professor level with relevant disciplinary experience
General criteria for all Fulbright Awards:
  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Must not be a dual citizen of Australia
  • Must be residing in U.S. at the time of application
  • Must not have already commenced this degree or project in Australia

Scholarship Entitlements

  • A monthly stipend for a maximum of 4 months (minimum 3 months)
  • An international travel entitlement
  • Eligibility to apply for coverage under Australian Medicare (Scholar only)
  • A limited Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) Health Benefits Plan, designed by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Seven Corners, Inc. Please note this plan is NOT an insurance policy
  • Support from the Fulbright Commission to assist with administration, visas and general enquiries.
  • Dependents of scholars who will be enrolled in the Australian public school system in grades K-12 may have tuition fees waived.
  • Orientation and networking opportunities.
  • Support from the Commission prior to and during program.

For details on entitlements please click ‘Apply Now’ below.

About the University of Wollongong

UOW is young, dynamic and innovative, and is a benchmark for Australia’s new generation of universities. A leading global university, our vision is to inspire a better future through education, research and partnership. The quality of our teaching and research features prominently in national and international rankings, and we’re proud to be among the top one per cent of universities in the world. We’re globally recognised for delivering impactful research that drives positive change. UOW ranks 6th among the world’s universities for social and economic impact in the THE Impact rankings, which are benchmarked against the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. Through our researchers, students, graduates and staff, we’re working towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all. Now, more than ever, it’s our responsibility to continue to use our knowledge and influence for the betterment of society.

Contact Information

Please note that applicants are required to include a Letter of Invitation from the University of Wollongong with their application. Contact the Office of Student Mobility (via student-mobility@uow.edu.au), to discuss projects, and obtain the required letter. 

For any queries related to entitlements or application processes please contact:

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Outreach and Recruitment

Jaclyn Assarian, Outreach and Recruitment Specialist, via (202) 326-7700, eastasiapacific@iie.org

Fulbright Team

Please contact the Fulbright scholarships team for any queries related to entitlements or application processes via: fulbright@fulbright.org.au

Apply Now