Fulbright Future Scholarships (funded by The Kinghorn Foundation)

Applications are now closed

The Australian-American Fulbright Commission is pleased to offer Fulbright Future Scholarships. This unique scholarship provides opportunities for research programs in Australia, and projects that seek to have a positive impact on the health, livelihoods and prosperity of American and Australian lives.

Thanks to generous support from The Kinghorn Foundation, the Fulbright Future Scholarships fund projects that have potential tangible impact. We’re looking to support projects that may seek to advance cutting-edge applied science, kick start innovative business collaborations that foster the creation of new jobs or further the development of impact-driven emergent technologies.

Fulbright Future Scholarships are open to postgraduate students, PhD researchers, academics and professionals.

Who can apply?

Fulbright Future Scholarships are open to applications for American candidates who satisfy the following criteria.


  • can apply as postdoctoral candidates, scholars, or academics who seek to complete a period of research in Australia
  • must have an undergraduate qualification
  • must include a half-page statement headed Impact Statement that outlines the potential impact and benefit of their proposed research or study on the health, wellbeing and/or prosperity of the U.S. and Australia
  • should aim to create, contribute to, or otherwise enhance Australian-American bilateral research collaborations
  • all applicants are required to include a letter of invitation from their proposed institution with their application

What is considered ‘Impact’?

To qualify for the Fulbright Future Scholarship program, applicants must include within their project/grant statement an impact statement identified with its own header. The impact statement should outline the potential impact of their proposed research/study and how the proposed research/study will benefit Australia.

‘Impact’ may be defined as:

  • Tangible effect, benefit, or outcome for the health, wellbeing and/or prosperity of the U.S. and Australia
  • Significant advancement of new technologies, techniques, or other novel research with potential for practical outcomes
  • Creation of enduring bilateral commercial or research partnerships with potential for significant growth
  • Novel approaches to medical treatment or rehabilitation
  • Potential for job-creation

What disciplines are supported by the Fulbright Future Scholarships?

  • Health Sciences excluding Psychiatry, Dentistry, General Practice, Psychology, and Fitness
  • Natural Sciences
    • Earth Science
    • Life Science
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
  • Formal Sciences
    • Computer Science
    • Statistics, including Artificial Intelligence, Biostatistics, and Statistical Modelling
    • Systems Science
  • Professions and Applied Sciences
    • Agriculture excluding Animal Husbandry, Beekeeping, Agrology, Entomology, Enology
    • Engineering
    • Mining

Please note the following disciplines are not supported: Public Health, Public Policy, Law, and Business.

Benefits include:

  • Monthly stipend
  • Round-trip, economy class airfare directly to and from the scholar’s home city and the city of the host institution
  • Health coverage under Australian Medicare (for the scholar only)
  • Health & Accident Insurance (ASPE) provided by the U.S. government, coverage up to USD$100,000 (for the scholar only)
  • Orientation Program and Gala Presentation Dinner
  • Access to a professional network of distinguished Australian and American Fulbright Alumni
  • Ongoing assistance from the Commission with visas, enrichment opportunities and pastoral care
  • Media and publicity support

How Do I Apply?

  • Prior to applying, we strongly encourage applicants to read the Eligibility & Conditions section of the American Applicants page.
  • For postdoctoral candidates, academics or professionals, apply here
  • For scholar award candidates, apply here

Contact Information

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Outreach and Recruitment

Jaclyn Assarian, Outreach and Recruitment Specialist

(202) 326-7700, eastasiapacific@iie.org

Fulbright Team

Please contact the Fulbright scholarships team for any queries related to scholarship benefits or application processes: fulbright@fulbright.org.au

Categories Available

Postdoctoral Scholarships

Individuals seeking to undertake 4–10-month postdoctoral research in Australia, who have completed their PhD in the past 5 years.

Scholar Awards 

Academics (at associate professor or full professorial level) and mid-career professionals (with an undergraduate qualification and minimum 10 years work experience) to undertake research and/or training in Australia. This award supports a 3–4-month position.
Please see the Applicants Page for eligibility requirements, award conditions, FAQs, interview processes and timelines.

Apply Now